
Expand source code
from import DellDNOS6SSH
from import DellDNOS6Telnet
from import DellForce10SSH
from import DellOS10SSH, DellOS10FileTransfer
from import DellSonicSSH
from import DellPowerConnectSSH
from import DellPowerConnectTelnet
from import DellIsilonSSH

__all__ = [


Dell N2/3/4000 base driver- supports DNOS6.

Dell Force10 Driver - supports DNOS9.

Dell EMC Networking OS10 Driver - supports dellos10.

Dell PowerConnect Driver.

Dell EMC PowerSwitch platforms running Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Dell Technologies Driver - supports dellenterprisesonic.


class DellDNOS6SSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell PowerConnect Driver.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellDNOS6SSH(DellDNOS6Base):


Inherited members

class DellDNOS6Telnet (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell PowerConnect Driver.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellDNOS6Telnet(DellDNOS6Base):


Inherited members

class DellForce10SSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell Force10 Driver - supports DNOS9.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellForce10SSH(CiscoSSHConnection):
    """Dell Force10 Driver - supports DNOS9."""

    def session_preparation(self) -> None:
        """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

    def check_config_mode(
        check_string: str = ")#",
        pattern: str = r"[>#]",
        force_regex: bool = False,
    ) -> bool:
        Checks if the device is in configuration mode or not.
        return super().check_config_mode(
            check_string=check_string, pattern=pattern, force_regex=force_regex

    def save_config(
        cmd: str = "write memory",
        confirm: bool = False,
        confirm_response: str = "",
    ) -> str:
        """Saves Config"""
        return super().save_config(
            cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response



def save_config(self, cmd: str = 'write memory', confirm: bool = False, confirm_response: str = '') ‑> str

Saves Config

Expand source code
def save_config(
    cmd: str = "write memory",
    confirm: bool = False,
    confirm_response: str = "",
) -> str:
    """Saves Config"""
    return super().save_config(
        cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response
def session_preparation(self) ‑> None

Prepare the session after the connection has been established.

Expand source code
def session_preparation(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

Inherited members

class DellIsilonSSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Defines vendor independent methods.

Otherwise method left as a stub method.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellIsilonSSH(BaseConnection):
    def session_preparation(self) -> None:
        """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""
        self.ansi_escape_codes = True

    def set_base_prompt(
        pri_prompt_terminator: str = "$",
        alt_prompt_terminator: str = "#",
        delay_factor: float = 1.0,
        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> str:
        """Determine base prompt."""
        return super().set_base_prompt(

    def strip_ansi_escape_codes(self, string_buffer: str) -> str:
        """Remove Null code"""
        output = re.sub(r"\x00", "", string_buffer)
        return super().strip_ansi_escape_codes(output)

    def _zsh_mode(self, prompt_terminator: str = "$") -> None:
        """Run zsh command to unify the environment"""
        if self.global_delay_factor < 1:
            delay_factor = 1.0
            delay_factor = self.global_delay_factor
        command = self.RETURN + "zsh" + self.RETURN
        time.sleep(0.25 * delay_factor)
        time.sleep(0.25 * delay_factor)

    def _set_prompt(self, prompt_terminator: str = "$") -> None:
        prompt = f"PROMPT='%m{prompt_terminator}'"
        command = self.RETURN + prompt + self.RETURN

    def disable_paging(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
        """Isilon doesn't have paging by default."""
        return ""

    def check_enable_mode(self, check_string: str = "#") -> bool:
        return super().check_enable_mode(check_string=check_string)

    def enable(
        cmd: str = "sudo su",
        pattern: str = "ssword",
        enable_pattern: Optional[str] = None,
        check_state: bool = True,
        re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE,
    ) -> str:

        delay_factor = self.select_delay_factor(delay_factor=1)
        output = ""

        if check_state and self.check_enable_mode():
            return output

        output += self._send_command_timing_str(
            cmd, strip_prompt=False, strip_command=False
        if, output, flags=re_flags):
        output += self.read_until_pattern(pattern=r"#.*$")
        time.sleep(1 * delay_factor)
        if not self.check_enable_mode():
            raise ValueError("Failed to enter enable mode")

        return output

    def exit_enable_mode(self, exit_command: str = "exit") -> str:
        return super().exit_enable_mode(exit_command=exit_command)

    def check_config_mode(
        self, check_string: str = "#", pattern: str = "", force_regex: bool = False
    ) -> bool:
        """Use equivalent enable method."""
        return self.check_enable_mode(check_string=check_string)

    def config_mode(
        config_command: str = "sudo su",
        pattern: str = "ssword",
        re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE,
    ) -> str:
        """Use equivalent enable method."""
        return self.enable(cmd=config_command, pattern=pattern, re_flags=re_flags)

    def exit_config_mode(self, exit_config: str = "exit", pattern: str = "") -> str:
        """Use equivalent enable method."""
        return self.exit_enable_mode(exit_command=exit_config)



def check_config_mode(self, check_string: str = '#', pattern: str = '', force_regex: bool = False) ‑> bool

Use equivalent enable method.

Expand source code
def check_config_mode(
    self, check_string: str = "#", pattern: str = "", force_regex: bool = False
) -> bool:
    """Use equivalent enable method."""
    return self.check_enable_mode(check_string=check_string)
def config_mode(self, config_command: str = 'sudo su', pattern: str = 'ssword', re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE) ‑> str

Use equivalent enable method.

Expand source code
def config_mode(
    config_command: str = "sudo su",
    pattern: str = "ssword",
    re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE,
) -> str:
    """Use equivalent enable method."""
    return self.enable(cmd=config_command, pattern=pattern, re_flags=re_flags)
def disable_paging(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> str

Isilon doesn't have paging by default.

Expand source code
def disable_paging(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
    """Isilon doesn't have paging by default."""
    return ""
def exit_config_mode(self, exit_config: str = 'exit', pattern: str = '') ‑> str

Use equivalent enable method.

Expand source code
def exit_config_mode(self, exit_config: str = "exit", pattern: str = "") -> str:
    """Use equivalent enable method."""
    return self.exit_enable_mode(exit_command=exit_config)
def session_preparation(self) ‑> None

Prepare the session after the connection has been established.

Expand source code
def session_preparation(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""
    self.ansi_escape_codes = True
def set_base_prompt(self, pri_prompt_terminator: str = '$', alt_prompt_terminator: str = '#', delay_factor: float = 1.0, pattern: Optional[str] = None) ‑> str

Determine base prompt.

Expand source code
def set_base_prompt(
    pri_prompt_terminator: str = "$",
    alt_prompt_terminator: str = "#",
    delay_factor: float = 1.0,
    pattern: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
    """Determine base prompt."""
    return super().set_base_prompt(
def strip_ansi_escape_codes(self, string_buffer: str) ‑> str

Remove Null code

Expand source code
def strip_ansi_escape_codes(self, string_buffer: str) -> str:
    """Remove Null code"""
    output = re.sub(r"\x00", "", string_buffer)
    return super().strip_ansi_escape_codes(output)

Inherited members

class DellOS10FileTransfer (ssh_conn: BaseConnection, source_file: str, dest_file: str, file_system: Optional[str] = '/home/admin', direction: str = 'put', **kwargs: Any)

Dell EMC Networking OS10 SCP File Transfer driver.

Expand source code
class DellOS10FileTransfer(BaseFileTransfer):
    """Dell EMC Networking OS10 SCP File Transfer driver."""

    def __init__(
        ssh_conn: BaseConnection,
        source_file: str,
        dest_file: str,
        file_system: Optional[str] = "/home/admin",
        direction: str = "put",
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        self.folder_name = "/config"

    def remote_file_size(
        self, remote_cmd: str = "", remote_file: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> int:
        """Get the file size of the remote file."""
        if remote_file is None:
            if self.direction == "put":
                remote_file = self.dest_file
            elif self.direction == "get":
                remote_file = self.source_file
                raise ValueError("self.direction is set to an invalid value")
        remote_cmd = f'system "ls -l {self.file_system}/{remote_file}"'
        remote_out = self.ssh_ctl_chan._send_command_str(remote_cmd)
        for line in remote_out.splitlines():
            if remote_file in line:
                file_size = line.split()[4]
        if "Error opening" in remote_out or "No such file or directory" in remote_out:
            raise IOError("Unable to find file on remote system")
            return int(file_size)

    def remote_space_available(self, search_pattern: str = r"(\d+) bytes free") -> int:
        """Return space available on remote device."""
        remote_cmd = f'system "df {self.folder_name}"'
        remote_output = self.ssh_ctl_chan._send_command_str(remote_cmd)
        for line in remote_output.splitlines():
            if self.folder_name in line:
                space_available = line.split()[-3]
        return int(space_available)

    def process_md5(md5_output: str, pattern: str = r"(.*) (.*)") -> str:
        return super(DellOS10FileTransfer, DellOS10FileTransfer).process_md5(
            md5_output, pattern=pattern

    def remote_md5(
        self, base_cmd: str = "verify /md5", remote_file: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> str:
        """Calculate remote MD5 and returns the hash."""
        if remote_file is None:
            if self.direction == "put":
                remote_file = self.dest_file
            elif self.direction == "get":
                remote_file = self.source_file
                raise ValueError("self.direction is set to an invalid value")
        remote_md5_cmd = f'system "md5sum {self.file_system}/{remote_file}"'
        dest_md5 = self.ssh_ctl_chan._send_command_str(remote_md5_cmd, read_timeout=300)
        dest_md5 = self.process_md5(dest_md5)
        return dest_md5.strip()

    def check_file_exists(self, remote_cmd: str = "dir home") -> bool:
        """Check if the dest_file already exists on the file system (return boolean)."""
        if self.direction == "put":
            remote_out = self.ssh_ctl_chan._send_command_str(remote_cmd)
            search_string = r"Directory contents .*{}".format(self.dest_file)
            return bool(, remote_out, flags=re.DOTALL))
        elif self.direction == "get":
            return os.path.exists(self.dest_file)
            raise ValueError("self.direction is set to an invalid value")

    def put_file(self) -> None:
        """SCP copy the file from the local system to the remote device."""
        destination = f"{self.dest_file}"
        self.scp_conn.scp_transfer_file(self.source_file, destination)
        # Must close the SCP connection to get the file written (flush)

    def get_file(self) -> None:
        """SCP copy the file from the remote device to local system."""
        source_file = f"{self.source_file}"
        self.scp_conn.scp_get_file(source_file, self.dest_file)



def remote_md5(self, base_cmd: str = 'verify /md5', remote_file: Optional[str] = None) ‑> str

Calculate remote MD5 and returns the hash.

Expand source code
def remote_md5(
    self, base_cmd: str = "verify /md5", remote_file: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
    """Calculate remote MD5 and returns the hash."""
    if remote_file is None:
        if self.direction == "put":
            remote_file = self.dest_file
        elif self.direction == "get":
            remote_file = self.source_file
            raise ValueError("self.direction is set to an invalid value")
    remote_md5_cmd = f'system "md5sum {self.file_system}/{remote_file}"'
    dest_md5 = self.ssh_ctl_chan._send_command_str(remote_md5_cmd, read_timeout=300)
    dest_md5 = self.process_md5(dest_md5)
    return dest_md5.strip()

Inherited members

class DellOS10SSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell EMC Networking OS10 Driver - supports dellos10.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellOS10SSH(CiscoSSHConnection):
    """Dell EMC Networking OS10 Driver - supports dellos10."""

    def session_preparation(self) -> None:
        """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

    def check_config_mode(
        check_string: str = ")#",
        pattern: str = r"[>#]",
        force_regex: bool = False,
    ) -> bool:
        Checks if the device is in configuration mode or not.
        return super().check_config_mode(
            check_string=check_string, pattern=pattern, force_regex=force_regex

    def save_config(
        cmd: str = "copy running-configuration startup-configuration",
        confirm: bool = False,
        confirm_response: str = "",
    ) -> str:
        """Saves Config"""
        return super().save_config(
            cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response



def save_config(self, cmd: str = 'copy running-configuration startup-configuration', confirm: bool = False, confirm_response: str = '') ‑> str

Saves Config

Expand source code
def save_config(
    cmd: str = "copy running-configuration startup-configuration",
    confirm: bool = False,
    confirm_response: str = "",
) -> str:
    """Saves Config"""
    return super().save_config(
        cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response
def session_preparation(self) ‑> None

Prepare the session after the connection has been established.

Expand source code
def session_preparation(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

Inherited members

class DellPowerConnectSSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell PowerConnect Driver.

To make it work, we have to override the SSHClient _auth method. If we use login/password, the ssh server use the (none) auth mechanism.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellPowerConnectSSH(DellPowerConnectBase):
    """Dell PowerConnect Driver.

    To make it work, we have to override the SSHClient _auth method.
    If we use login/password, the ssh server use the (none) auth mechanism.

    def _build_ssh_client(self) -> SSHClient:
        """Prepare for Paramiko SSH connection.

        See file for any updates.
        # Create instance of SSHClient object
        # If user does not provide SSH key, we use noauth
        remote_conn_pre: SSHClient
        if not self.use_keys:
            remote_conn_pre = SSHClient_noauth()
            remote_conn_pre = SSHClient()

        # Load host_keys for better SSH security
        if self.system_host_keys:
        if self.alt_host_keys and path.isfile(self.alt_key_file):

        # Default is to automatically add untrusted hosts (make sure appropriate for your env)
        return remote_conn_pre

    def special_login_handler(self, delay_factor: float = 1.0) -> None:
        Powerconnect presents with the following on login

        User Name:

        Password: ****
        delay_factor = self.select_delay_factor(delay_factor)
        i = 0
        time.sleep(delay_factor * 0.5)
        output = ""
        while i <= 12:
            output = self.read_channel()
            if output:
                if "User Name:" in output:
                    assert isinstance(self.username, str)
                    self.write_channel(self.username + self.RETURN)
                elif "Password:" in output:
                    assert isinstance(self.password, str)
                    self.write_channel(self.password + self.RETURN)
                time.sleep(delay_factor * 1)
                time.sleep(delay_factor * 1.5)
            i += 1



def special_login_handler(self, delay_factor: float = 1.0) ‑> None

Powerconnect presents with the following on login

User Name:

Password: ****

Expand source code
def special_login_handler(self, delay_factor: float = 1.0) -> None:
    Powerconnect presents with the following on login

    User Name:

    Password: ****
    delay_factor = self.select_delay_factor(delay_factor)
    i = 0
    time.sleep(delay_factor * 0.5)
    output = ""
    while i <= 12:
        output = self.read_channel()
        if output:
            if "User Name:" in output:
                assert isinstance(self.username, str)
                self.write_channel(self.username + self.RETURN)
            elif "Password:" in output:
                assert isinstance(self.password, str)
                self.write_channel(self.password + self.RETURN)
            time.sleep(delay_factor * 1)
            time.sleep(delay_factor * 1.5)
        i += 1

Inherited members

class DellPowerConnectTelnet (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell PowerConnect Telnet Driver.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellPowerConnectTelnet(DellPowerConnectBase):
    """Dell PowerConnect Telnet Driver."""



Inherited members

class DellSonicSSH (ip: str = '', host: str = '', username: str = '', password: Optional[str] = None, secret: str = '', port: Optional[int] = None, device_type: str = '', verbose: bool = False, global_delay_factor: float = 1.0, global_cmd_verify: Optional[bool] = None, use_keys: bool = False, key_file: Optional[str] = None, pkey: Optional[paramiko.pkey.PKey] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None, disabled_algorithms: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, disable_sha2_fix: bool = False, allow_agent: bool = False, ssh_strict: bool = False, system_host_keys: bool = False, alt_host_keys: bool = False, alt_key_file: str = '', ssh_config_file: Optional[str] = None, conn_timeout: int = 10, auth_timeout: Optional[int] = None, banner_timeout: int = 15, blocking_timeout: int = 20, timeout: int = 100, session_timeout: int = 60, read_timeout_override: Optional[float] = None, keepalive: int = 0, default_enter: Optional[str] = None, response_return: Optional[str] = None, serial_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fast_cli: bool = True, session_log: Optional[SessionLog] = None, session_log_record_writes: bool = False, session_log_file_mode: str = 'write', allow_auto_change: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, sock_telnet: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_connect: bool = True, delay_factor_compat: bool = False, disable_lf_normalization: bool = False)

Dell EMC PowerSwitch platforms running Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Dell Technologies Driver - supports dellenterprisesonic.

    Initialize attributes for establishing connection to target device.

    :param ip: IP address of target device. Not required if <code>host</code> is

    :param host: Hostname of target device. Not required if <code>ip</code> is

    :param username: Username to authenticate against target device if

    :param password: Password to authenticate against target device if

    :param secret: The enable password if target device requires one.

    :param port: The destination port used to connect to the target

    :param device_type: Class selection based on device type.

    :param verbose: Enable additional messages to standard output.

    :param global_delay_factor: Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays (default: 1).

    :param use_keys: Connect to target device using SSH keys.

    :param key_file: Filename path of the SSH key file to use.

    :param pkey: SSH key object to use.

    :param passphrase: Passphrase to use for encrypted key; password will be used for key
            decryption if not specified.

    :param disabled_algorithms: Dictionary of SSH algorithms to disable. Refer to the Paramiko
            documentation for a description of the expected format.

    :param disable_sha2_fix: Boolean that fixes Paramiko issue with missing server-sig-algs
        <> (default: False)

    :param allow_agent: Enable use of SSH key-agent.

    :param ssh_strict: Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default: False, which
            means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted).

    :param system_host_keys: Load host keys from the users known_hosts file.

    :param alt_host_keys: If <code>True</code> host keys will be loaded from the file specified in

    :param alt_key_file: SSH host key file to use (if alt_host_keys=True).

    :param ssh_config_file: File name of OpenSSH configuration file.

    :param conn_timeout: TCP connection timeout.

    :param session_timeout: Set a timeout for parallel requests.

    :param auth_timeout: Set a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication response.

    :param banner_timeout: Set a timeout to wait for the SSH banner (pass to Paramiko).

    :param read_timeout_override: Set a timeout that will override the default read_timeout
            of both send_command and send_command_timing. This is useful for 3rd party
            libraries where directly accessing method arguments might be impractical.

    :param keepalive: Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in seconds.
            Currently defaults to 0, for backwards compatibility (it will not attempt
            to keep the connection alive).

    :param default_enter: Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:


    :param response_return: Character(s) to use in normalized return data to represent
            enter key (default:


    :param serial_settings: Dictionary of settings for use with serial port (pySerial).

    :param fast_cli: Provide a way to optimize for performance. Converts select_delay_factor
            to select smallest of global and specific. Sets default global_delay_factor to .1
            (default: True)

    :param session_log: File path, SessionLog object, or BufferedIOBase subclass object
            to write the session log to.

    :param session_log_record_writes: The session log generally only records channel reads due
            to eliminate command duplication due to command echo. You can enable this if you
            want to record both channel reads and channel writes in the log (default: False).

    :param session_log_file_mode: "write" or "append" for session_log file mode
            (default: "write")

    :param allow_auto_change: Allow automatic configuration changes for terminal settings.
            (default: False)

    :param encoding: Encoding to be used when writing bytes to the output channel.
            (default: "utf-8")

    :param sock: An open socket or socket-like object (such as a <code>.Channel</code>) to use for
            communication to the target host (default: None).

    :param sock_telnet: A dictionary of telnet socket parameters (SOCKS proxy). See
   code for details.

    :param global_cmd_verify: Control whether command echo verification is enabled or disabled
            (default: None). Global attribute takes precedence over function <code>cmd\_verify</code>
            argument. Value of <code>None</code> indicates to use function <code>cmd\_verify</code> argument.

    :param auto_connect: Control whether Netmiko automatically establishes the connection as
            part of the object creation (default: True).

    :param delay_factor_compat: Set send_command and send_command_timing back to using Netmiko
            3.x behavior for delay_factor/global_delay_factor/max_loops. This argument will be
            eliminated in Netmiko 5.x (default: False).

    :param disable_lf_normalization: Disable Netmiko's linefeed normalization behavior
            (default: False)
Expand source code
class DellSonicSSH(NoEnable, CiscoSSHConnection):
    Dell EMC PowerSwitch platforms running Enterprise SONiC Distribution
    by Dell Technologies Driver - supports dellenterprisesonic.

    def session_preparation(self) -> None:
        """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

    def config_mode(
        config_command: str = "configure terminal",
        pattern: str = r"\#",
        re_flags: int = 0,
    ) -> str:
        return super().config_mode(
            config_command=config_command, pattern=pattern, re_flags=re_flags

    def _enter_shell(self) -> str:
        """Enter the sonic-cli Shell."""
        log.debug("Enter sonic-cli Shell.")
        return self._send_command_str("sonic-cli", expect_string=r"\#")

    def _return_cli(self) -> str:
        """Return to the CLI."""
        return self._send_command_str("exit", expect_string=r"\$")



def session_preparation(self) ‑> None

Prepare the session after the connection has been established.

Expand source code
def session_preparation(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""

Inherited members